Staggering statistic of the day ... 18% of the population use fitness services; 61% of the population are obese!!! Something needs to change.
Might I suggest once again that it is the building of strong relationships between allied health professionals and fitness professionals.
Today I had the privilege to attend a forum held here in Cairns by Fitness Australia (thankyou for coming!!) and the subject of discussion - how to build successful referral networks with allied health professionals.
Firstly, congratulations to our awesome industry for taking the initiative on this and leading the way.
Fitness Australia have devised a comprehensive pre screening process for potential exercisers and athletes to help identify the need for referral to allied health professionals and to help ensure that the clients are given the very best of care and service.
This wonderful system will only work if our allied health professionals - GPs, chiropractors, physiotherapists, podiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists and dieticians get on board and help to create a system that works for all.
I believe that people will always want the reassurance of the medicine man that they are not going to die any time soon, and so our already very busy doctors will never run short of work, even if we fitness professionals manage to create radical change in the physical lives of the 61% of the population that desperately needs it. Rather with an effective referral system we can create a way of providing an even better level of service and care for all patients that provides a more efficient route to results, and ideally works towards a common goal of reduction or erradication of medication and overall improvement of movement and enhancement of quality of life.
Let's face it - our population is getting older ... isn't it better that their bodies work better for longer too. To achieve this we need fitness to be a priority at every level, from day care to aged care. This is definitely one of those situations where 1 plus 1 = 3, so come on allied health professionals ... what do you say?
In case you missed it, my humble suggestion some time back was that anyone diagnosed with hypertension, type 2 diabetes or depression be given a referral to a suitably qualified fitness professional, along with their prescription. Perhaps their medicare payment should even be contingent upon activation of that referral, although that's probably getting political and I try not to go there.
The body is a mystery. The outcome of what can be achieved if we work together is a mystery. But it's a mystery work exploring. The health of our nation could very well depend on it!!