Saturday, February 12, 2011

The power of goal setting!

If your goal is clear, the path to it will also be clear.  The more vivid the image you have of the achievement of your goal, the clearer that path becomes.

Can you remember a time when you absolutely, completely, totally had to have something?  There was no other option.  It might have been your first car.  It might have been a must have piece of jewellery or clothing.  It might have been the new release of your favourite rock band or a mint condition copy of a favourite collectors item comic book, or perhaps your first ever skiing holiday - there was no way I was giving that one up!!

The "NOs" from those around you were silenced by your absolute knowledge (yes, knowledge - not just belief) that you would achieve this thing.

Whatever it was, you knew what it looked like, what it cost, how it would feel to have it and hold it, and whenever you thought of it, you got excited; you felt energised and alive.  Do you know what I'm talking about?

Well, that was the experience of having a clear goal and focusing all your energies on achieving it.  Not having it was NEVER an option.

I am privileged to have two little people that I live with who remind me on a daily basis that if you are determined and you want something, then failure is not an option.

Goals in life, in love and in fitness are the same.  You must eliminate the options you don't like and get clear about what it is that you really want.  When the vision is clear it doesn't matter what obstacles come up, your brain will find ways to work over it, under it, around it, and most likely through it, to keep you on track to your vision.

Our brains are amazing.  They work in the positive.  Once you start wishing and hoping you bring in uncertainty and the brain gets confused.  Know that the hard work you do today and the efforts you make today move you closer to your clearly defined goal.  When your picture of your future is so clear it's easy to work out what fits and what doesn't.

The clarity of your envisioned goal will lead you forward.

See your future, believe in it and step steadfastly forward knowing that success is your only option.

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