Monday, May 30, 2011

Straight from the horses mouth ...

Last Monday kicked off round 2 of the Fitness, Form & Function 12 Week Challenge.  This time I have 12 amazing ladies signed up for the program.

As a trainer this is enormously exciting.  All of the challengers are hungry for information, keen to follow the instructions and get results, and totally engaged in improving their own state of health.

I just wanted to share a little bit of their feedback from Week 1 just in case you're wondering why anyone would commit themselves to 12 Weeks of instruction from a personal trainer:

From Jill, a comment about her Body Balance experience on Friday morning:
"What a way to workout this morning with that stunning view on such a perfect day.  Pity you missed it Simone.  Need a mirror on the opposite wall".
(Being the trainer I am I put my back to the view so the team could enjoy it)

From Kel, a comment after her first workout on Tuesday morning:
"Great class this morning I really enjoyed myself, and that's saying something because I can't remember when I actually enjoyed exercising before."

From Louise, a comment after smashing 4 classes last week:
"First week of the fitness challenge!  Legs are killing me but loving every minute :-)"

And from Louise on FB today:
"2nd week of the fitness challenge.  Lost 1/2 a kilo last week.  Let's see what this week brings :-) feeling fabulous!"

There you have it, straight from the horses mouth.

Fitness is different for every individual so it is vital that you find a program that meets your individual needs.  12 Week Challenge may be for you too!

Jump on to our facebook page at or visit the website at to hear more.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Planking ... what the?

This week I feel like a piece of my brain is missing.  I just don't get the whole 'planking' thing and for the first time in my life I find myself agreeing with Tony Abbott.

Now I won't be voting for him anytime soon, but I do like his suggestion that if people have a need to prove themselves, then better to "get on the bike and ride faster or take their surfboard out on the patrolled beach".  Not just more sensible, but it has to be more FUN!

How ridiculous is planking?

In the gym everyone groans when the word plank is mentioned, as it conjures up visions of a very challenging static exercise designed to give you abs of steel, via the concentration required to keep the abdominal muscles lifted.  Even with my variations and modifications it's still hard to get 'planking' to raise a smile.

In the construction industry is a plank is a piece of wood.

Think about it people ... plank = dull!!

In Pirates of the Carribbean Johnny Depp walked the plank as Captain Jack Sparrow ... and that's probably about the only time 'planking' of any sort is going to rate with me, because he managed to make it look like fun ... and he kind of looks like fun too ;)

In two weeks time Cairns will host the amazing ultra marathon "Challenge Cairns" comprising a 42km; a 180km bike ride and a very long swim.  This event will challenge the elite athletes of the world and create a spectator event that inspires, motivates and delivers on the emotional needs of the general public who want and need heroes to aspire to and something to believe in.

Stop planking and start living.

If you want to have fun with social media and find some stuff that will get you moving well, feeling good and having fun, forget planking - get onto FB and try these:

USM Events
Lance Armstrong
TRX Training
and my personal favourite - Fitness, Form & Function!

If you still feel the need to plank, well, try and do it properly  Paul Chek has some ideas.  See the links and inject the fun back into life.

I still love this one for pure passion ... note, no planking!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Get Nana off her meds!!

Is it possible to eat, move and be healthy in this world without the use of synthetic drugs, pain killers, multivitamins, and the assortment of 'natural' tablets that are available to us?

Well, quite simply, YES.

My 70 year old formerly hypertensive client is testament to that.

It's a choice.  This is just my opinion, and I am in the fortunate position of never having had a major illness or disease.  I got bashed about by Glandular Fever when I was 16, and a bit of self inflicted smokers cough a few years back, but for the most part I am one of the lucky ones that live in a healthy body.

You can be too.

Over the past twelve months in my life as a Personal Trainer I have watched some amazing transformations in people who had been condemned to a life on pills, according to their well qualified doctor.  In amazement their doctor's have sat back and one by one reduced and eliminated doses of betablockers, painkillers and sedatives.  Is this amazing, or just the well deserved result that comes from taking responsibility for one's own health?

It is simply taking responsibility.

Life Success Coach Kurek Ashley says that responsibility means have the ability to respond to whatever life gives you.  Instead of shifting blame and finding excuses for things not being how we would like them to be, we have the ability to respond to events, circumstances and people and create the life that we each deserve.

Translate this to your own health.  Who ate the cheeseburger??  The golden arches may have made it but only YOU can facilitate the passage of that dose of poison to your stomach; and the subsequent transfer of fat to your hips, cholesterol to your blood and plaque to your arteries.  Each one of us is able to respond to the stimulants in our environment and make sensible, informed, educated choices that will result in a metabolically fit and healthy body that can thrive pain free without medication.

Add to that a little well considered movement on a regular basis.  Take responsibility and get active in a healthy and energetic way, preferably in a group with an instructor or individually with a personal trainer.  Now you have the formula for improved cardiovascular health, improved bone density and lean muscle mass, improved mental function and mental health, and an overall feeling of well being that helps you to make better choices and be even more responsible about the fuel that you use.  Net result - feel better, look better, live longer and save money on doctors bills, medication and bad food!!!

I want to share a great story that I heard last night from one half of a dynamic couple that I train.  He was in a serious car accident 9 years ago and has suffered chronic neck and back pain and headaches ever since, to the point that neurofen was standard issue with each meal.  Since taking responsibility for his own state of wellbeing at the start of this year and virtually eliminating alcohol and fried and processed food, she now does not need to buy neurofen at all.

Amazing ... or simply the result of taking responsibility?