What are the two things that stand between you and the achievement or your greatest goals?
Liane & Patricia Kruger can tell you.
Today I met with these two amazing ladies to learn the secrets of their success.
Together they have shed the equivalent of a whole person (70.2kg) in weightloss over the past 12 months.
They started their journey on September 1, 2012, weighing in at 91.1kg for Liane (47yrs) and 95.8kg for Patricia (68yrs). Today, they are no longer required to weigh in, they do it to motivate others and show them that it is possible to achieve your goals and maintain them. Their weigh in this morning was 57.3kg and 59.4kg respectively. (From size 24 - size 10). Suffice to say they look and sound amazing. So much so that on a recent trip to Italy Liane was asked if she was a personal trainer. She beamed like a lighthouse for the rest of that day, and the beacon went on again when she recounted the story to me today.
It is my privilege to be their personal trainer. Twice a week I see these ladies to help them strengthen, stretch, tone and relax their muscles and keep them accountable in some way for their own health.
The real secret of their success however is not in the fact that they have a personal trainer, or that a team of professionals guide them with health, nutrition and movement. The real secret of their success is RAPPS they do themselves.
- (R) They take RESPONSIBILITY for themselves
- (A) They take ACTION every day that keeps them on track
- (P) They PLAN for success
- (P) They surround themselves with POSITIVE people
- (S) They SUPPORT each other
As is often the case with people who create and experience positive change in their life, there is a not so positive story that preceeds the success.
5 years ago both women were smokers. 12 months ago both women sat on an airplane with a skinny family member wedged between them and embarrassed by their inability to sit comfortably and use the facilities of the aircraft to eat a meal, both made a decision to take action when they returned home. As they recount their story to me of this event the disappointment in themselves is evident.
But let me tell you this. The day I met these women, approximately 1 month after their D day, no trace of negativity was evident. There was plenty of fear as they embarked on the new and I was as nervous as they about their physical capacity to cope with the demands of their training. After our first meeting I could tell they were committed for the journey and every week when I would see them I became almost as excited as they about their transformation.
Positivity begets positivity and commtiment plus action begets results.
Over the past 12 months Liane and Patricia have seen friends and associates try to emulate their results - some with a little success. When I ask them what is the difference they both agree on a few things:
“We like awesome” ... to be awesome you have to get results
“ We wanted to find the healthy side of ourselves”
“Something just clicked - this is a lifestyle change”
Both women wanted not just a change in weight and a shape, both wanted the lifestyle benefits that go with that.
Patricia, at 68, was troubled with bad hips and knees and was not going to exercise - she just wanted to change her diet and lose the weight. Now she is a star pupil blazing a trail for many half her age. Having lost weight and found movement Patricia is pain free and about 1 month ago was rewarded when her enlightened doctor freed her from her prescription for high blood pressure. For the doctor, this was the first time he had ever been able to do this.
Transformed these ladies are a joy to be around and an inspiration to all who cross their path. They travel a lot, and this year took a trip to Europe where, whilst others drank coffee and ate biscotti these girls took to the streets on walking tours and visiting surrealist art exhibitions. Like the pied pipers of life, they drew a crowd because their version of the holiday was simply more fun.
Liane’s advice to those that want to change is pure gold and her generosity allows me to share it with you:
“Let go of everything you know and love and be open to new things. If you want to change, you have to WANT to change.”
It’s really so simple!
Check out these before and after shots - I’m sure you’ll agree there’s been plenty of positive change.
August 2013:
August 2014:
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